
December !! HOHOHO ツ

FINE  ツ   It's December,,
I wan to refresh my mind,
delete all my problems,

undo all my mistakes,

and save the happy moments :))

A warm December ,, please be good to me 


I wanna go countdown for christmas eve HOHOHO 
12/25 Our 2 month anniversery 
I feel badly cause u can't accompany celebrate with me 
U still at JB ,, I know now u was very hard to earn some money 
that's a good idea for yousrself 
I will always support U done ur own things 
and i won't  prohibit u anymore as long as right things 

3 of Deecember ,, 
the last paper of SPM !!!
super double happy !
the last exam of mine life 
i wan to celebrate with my dearest friends that night 
it such a wonderful gathering with friends 
because that's was possible last gathering with friends in school career 
so, we much to spent the time happily ....
WE maybe make some BBQ and Steamboat at my friend's home 
this is just for our class 5T2 ! i love my class 

After that , 
maybe i will find a suitable job for myself and earn some money to life myself 
i was biggg 
so do not asking for a handout to parents ...
In fact , I am more worried about U , worried about our relationships 
can long-term or can't , we need to rely on fate already ..
So now , we dun give promise each other 
we just in love with each other is the happy moments 
cherish each other 
blessing each other 

Although now u stay at JB ,,
and morning until afternoon u busy on work 
we just chatting at night 
sometimes i will feel unhappy , 
because our chatting's time was decrease 
and sometimes i will make some temper to U ,, 
but u will very worried about me 
it feel warm , feel happy 
u will always coax me like a crown 
u areeee very cute 
Thanks DEAR , I LOVE U !! 
Now , I very cherish to u , 
and never regratted to meet u 
u give me many happy moments , 
it will refill in our sweet memories 
U must add oil to work hardly to earn ur 1st salary 
i support u , 
and make your women behind u :PP

after SPM , i maybe wan go JB and stay at XiaoYi's home 
go there play and play 
because Penang walk around finish already 
very sienzzz 
haha :DD
so , i plan to go JB for a trip 
and mayb can go SG for fun !! 
this year did not go out to play ,cannot be reconciled 
muahaha xD
just eat drink play ,, enjoy my life ! 
wow ,, it's wonderful :D

