

Time move very fast ...
Moment 。 Oktober
I think I have many things didn't finish at this few month ..
I keppppt lazy again ..
nOW !! The SpM I think about 30Plus + days only ..
I also din't start for  any revision for cope the SPM ><
I know I was lazy about study ... I wan change myself !!!
I think I needs someone who support me to stand up ;)

jiaYouuuuu ;)
Two days ago..
Go QBays with friends who are need me to help her to held the heart feelings !
muahahaha , she keep hurt but right now was okay I think xD
We go by bus ... My home Geo QBays about need 20 minutes just can arrive ,
but sat bus need 1 more hour >< so loooooooong time ><
that why I hate to sit busssss !!!!! Ishhhh ;@@
After arrive , Sing K ! Neway... Lalala hohoho hehehe bububu
Like silly women at room 7 xD
But just two person .. Sings the last , we already tired .
. Just press the songs and heard it ! damn bored dy ;(

After singing , shopping time .. We found a restaurant to having our lunch there
Their things not delicious and expensive ! yuckkkks
That was my first go in to enjoy my lunch ... Really not nice on their foods
So , dun go next time better :)
After lunch , Melvin come find me .. That guys got some "sotsot" eh ..
Keep funny when I walk with him LOL xD
But he just accompany me a short moments .. He leave and go finds his friends ..
Sad case TT

After that , go HuiLIng's work shop find her and take. Lot of  photo !
First time take photo with her ... Woots .. Very happy and glad .. She so beautiful


Dudushen , my lovely brother XiaoJiang and Weitheng also find me that days ,
I feel happy with them in the moments ;)
Hope gt next time too ..

